Given the confusing and radically opposed arguments on evolution, wouldn’t it be nice if there were an analytic tool to settle the debate? Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a computer program that carefully modeled the effects of mutation and survival of the fittest for hundreds of generations?
That program has existed for 10 years, and is called “Mendel’s Accountant.” The program tracks all the mutations that occur among individuals in a modelled population using a process the authors call “genetic accounting.” Accumulating mutations get mixed into various combinations along each chromosome. Since children randomly inherit half of their father’s and half of their mother’s genome, some mutations are immediately lost. When it comes time to reproduce, some individuals fail to reproduce because they carry a greater load of harmful mutations. These individuals and their genomes are eliminated, similar to the way Charles Darwin imagined natural selection to work. The program is extremely flexible, and can model various rates of selection and fitness.
Mendel’s Accountant is the most accurate software available for realistically simulating evolutionary genetic models. It was created by the Institute for Creation Research. Crude forerunners of this software were created earlier by evolutionists, but, since the software did not support their theory, they abandoned it.
Mendel’s Accountant shows that mutations accumulate in a highly linear manner. In other words, almost all mutations do not have a noticeable effect on fitness, they “sit below” the selection threshold. This results in a continuous increase in the number of mutations in each succeeding generation. It means that all genomes decay over time. Natural selection can only remove the worst mutations, and the majority of mutations, the mutations that are only slightly deleterious, accumulate relentlessly and without limit. These “nearly neutral” deleterious mutations accumulate like rust on a car. Even though an individual spot of rust does not affect the fitness of a car, accumulating rust spots will eventually destroy it. There is no way, for the human race or any other species, to get rid of slightly deleterious mutations.
In other words, the arrow of evolution is down, not up. Evolution means “change over time,” and that certainly does occur. But average fitness declines with each generation. In “Genetic Entropy,” Cornell Professor John Sanford estimated that average human fitness declines by 1% each generation.
There is no peer-reviewed paper that even attempts to refute the methods or conclusions of Mendel. After a decade, this silence proves Darwin’s theory is wrong. It cannot explain the origin of complex genetic information. The arrow of evolution is down, not up.
Thanks for reading. Please share the good news of modern science with others. Together we can defeat the empty Atheist paradigm of a meaningless world.
Doug Ell
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