Smile – You’re Human!

I’m not sure I would want to live in a world without smiles. The smile of a friend or loved one warms my heart. Sometimes even a smile from a stranger walking by on the street, a person I will never see again, brightens my day and makes me smile in return. Smiling often makes you feel happy and content. “You’re never fully dressed without a smile.”

How did we get the ability to smile? Did we just get a modified version of what chimpanzees and the great apes can do? No! These creatures, these animals that an evolutionist would say are related to us, cannot smile. It’s the opposite. “In almost all other species, baring one’s teeth is a threat or a show of potential force.”

Human facial expressions are controlled by 55 muscles. About 20 are designed exclusively to produce facial expressions. These 20 muscles are part of our unique human heritage – no other animal comes close. One expert has estimated that humans can make and discern 10,000 different facial expressions. Many of these are universal across all human cultures. Another expert wrote that “all members of the human species share the same expressions for signaling the basic human emotions,” and that “the expressions of the face are in large measure universal and innate.”

From where did we get all these extra facial muscles not present in any other species? From where did we get the instinctive ability to coordinate and control these muscles? Just like the spider is born knowing how to spin webs, humans are born knowing how to smile, and how to communicate emotions in thousands of ways without speech. Plainly, there is no answer to these questions within Darwin’s theory of evolution. How could keeping the best mutations, the best mistakes, give us extra facial muscles in just the right places? How could keeping the best mutations give us not only those muscles but also the innate ability to control them to make thousands of commonly recognized expressions? There is no “evolutionary advantage” in the smile; you can’t use a smile to kill prey or ward off a predator. In the Darwinian worldwide, the smile is excess baggage, it shouldn’t exist.

But it does. It’s a wonderful part of being human.

The human face is unique. “It does not resemble those of apes or any other animal.” You are not related to pond scum, or even to primates. Your ability to smile and make facial expressions proves you were designed by God. Darwin’s theory is nonsense.

I hope that makes you smile. “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.”

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