Aliens and Demons

I am excited to share powerful evidence for the truth of the Bible. Until a few weeks ago, I did not know this evidence existed.

Our culture is fascinated with aliens, beings who may come from or live on other worlds. Many successful movies – Avatar, Star Wars, etc. – feature aliens. There is even a religion (Scientology) where aliens play a key role. In one poll 80% believed the government is hiding aliens or proof of them, and 50% believed alien abductions are real.

If you know me at all, you know I like facts. What are the facts? Reports of UFOs – unidentified flying objects – date back to ancient times. They were reported by the Romans, have been seen by many in recent decades, and have been detected by radar. Although the majority of sightings can ultimately be explained – Venus is a common culprit – there is overwhelming evidence some UFO sightings are real. Their movements often defy the laws of physics.

There is also overwhelming evidence that something about “alien abductions” is real. Whatever happened, or didn’t happen, many of the victims are horribly traumatized, similar to battlefield victims. Some have scratches or bruises. The stories have common features – the “classic abduction syndrome” involves a capture, an examination with crude medical equipment, a conference with aliens, a tour of some sort of ship, and meetings with beings who either claim to be religious leaders or tell the person abducted that he or she has been “chosen” to spread a religious message. There are hundreds of thousands of alien abduction stories; one poll estimated 4 million people have been abducted. The victims usually claim they have been sexually abused and tormented.

What’s going on? A new movie – Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception – offers answers. This award-winning film was in theatres and is now available on DVD. Once you start watching this movie, it is hard to stop. The movie suggests these “aliens” are demons posing as extraterrestrials. They are spiritual beings from a spiritual dimension, who have the ability to enter our reality. They are deceptive, lying beings.

Consider this astonishing fact – these beings retreat at the name of Jesus. One victim being tortured asked Jesus for help, and the beings screamed in pain. There are hundreds of testimonies like this. There is no other known way to end an abduction experience, or to get these demonic visitations to stop. The rescue by Jesus has been discussed at UFO conferences. This is powerful. If these “aliens” really were from another star system, why would they care in the slightest when the name of a supposedly long-dead religious leader is mentioned? Also, as the film notes, how credible is it to believe that thousands of extraterrestrials would fly millions or billions of light years simply to teach New Age philosophy, deny Christianity, and support the occult? And, if they really were aliens, don’t you think one person at least would have brought back a towel from the washroom?

Researchers have found that true believers are immune from these “alien” abductions. But only “walk-the-walk” Christians, not people who profess to be Christians but don’t really have faith in Jesus.

Here’s another interesting fact: Over the years, these beings have changed where they claim to come from. In the 1950’s, they usually claimed to come from Venus or Mars or Saturn. Science now tells us those planets are generally barren, and certainly contain no major civilizations. Now these beings claim to be from a different star system or galaxy. However, the laws of physics prohibit faster-than-light travel, and the time and energy required to travel from even the closest star systems is staggering. The stars are just too far apart; the nearest one is over 20 trillion miles away. There are no aliens out there; over the last 50 years at least 60 scientific projects have tried to detect alien signals, and all have failed.

Why are some people abducted and others not? It may depend in part on how willing they are to believe in occult phenomena. UFO devotees are easy prey. Ouija boards, Tarot cards, and voodoo dolls can also open a door to terror.

As the film notes, we need to wake up to the spiritual reality that is going on all around us. There is a battle for human souls. Evil is real, and there are demonic forces at work. I am sure that this nonsense theory of advanced technology from chance events, Darwin’s mathematically ridiculous goo-to-you-via-the-zoo theory of evolution, has succeeded in part because of demonic deceptions.

We have only one hope:

This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

Acts 4:11-12.

Why do “aliens” scream in pain at the name of Jesus? Think about it.

Doug Ell