The God Proofs

My newest book is out!  It’s titled “The God Proofs,” and published by Discovery Institute, the world’s leading organization for the recognition of the overwhelming evidence that life was designed.  They sent an email to 117,000 of their supporters announcing the book.  All revenues will go to Discovery Institute.

The technology of life is more sophisticated, hugely more sophisticated, than anything human beings have ever built.  You cannot get technology by chance (the book proves this with illustrations and simple arguments).  The prevailing Darwinian delusion that some unguided process of keeping the best mistakes – the tautology commonly known as “survival of the fittest” – would be laughable were it not so ferociously defended by entrenched atheists.

Their anti-God positions are fortified against direct attack with interlocking layers of atheist nonsense and minefields of academic death.   My book goes around them, and takes the battle directly to middle school and high school students.  It’s a graphic novel, a 204-page comic book of two friends taking on the ultimate question – does God exist?  I like to think of it as a flanking maneuver; an end run around the blindness and arrogance of our so-called “intellectual elites.”

Many say you can’t prove God.  But all proofs start with assumptions.  The assumptions in my book are easy to understand and hard to deny.

Here is the Amazon page for my new book.  There is a wonderful review that contains a video of a young person receiving the book as a gift.  It may be my favorite review of all time.   Here is the website created by the Discovery Institute; it contains an animated short video of the characters.

Peace be with you,

Doug Ell